速報APP / 生活品味 / ⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖1)-速報App

Change the way you wake up every morning! Sense the difference of waking up with our newest addition to our clocks and Alarms mobile app family!

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖2)-速報App

It includes tons of customizable and useful tools, like timer, flashlight, loud ringtones for heavy sleepers, stunning watch lockscreen designs, bedside night mode with dimmer and many other useful extra features!

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖3)-速報App

You won’t find any other smart clock and alarms app so complete for your Android device!

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖4)-速報App

Now, your Android device will become your best ally every morning! Wake up with your favorite music or with loud or crescendo mode options. Forget those awful mornings of oversleeping or be running late to any place! Our clockwise – smart alarm technology included won’t allow an excessive snoozing.

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖5)-速報App

It also features professionally created loud alarm ringtones for heavy sleepers! We know every person sleeps different and has different habits, but we wanted to cover as many useful features as possible to deliver as many cool features as possible for making everyone’s bedtime simpler!

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖6)-速報App

With our app everyone’s able to customize and configure the smart clock alarm application according to their own needs. You won’t find any other smart clock application in the market that allows you to customize so many features and options for Free!

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖7)-速報App

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖8)-速報App

⏰ Smart Alarm Clock and Nightstand Clock + Widgets(圖9)-速報App